Christmas Mirage

This morning the snow is falling gently and the frost is thick and white.  It’s cold again after a warm afternoon on Monday when we watched this mirage build.  Waves of warm air shimmering on the horizon distort and reflect the view.  Trees flip upside down and stretch upwards until they look like the Cliffs of Insanity.  Grain elevators become skyscrapers and the hills swell like bread dough.




Frosty Christmas

Unusually, we don’t have much snow up here in the Peace Country this winter.  Predictions predict one of the driest and warmest winters for many a year.  However, the weather conditions are certainly providing a strong display of rarer winter phenomena.  We’ve had ice fog and thick hoar frost for weeks, which makes Christmas lights wound through spruce boughs and pine look especially pretty.  LED lights don’t melt the frost, they just glow through it.


Starry Nights at the Lodge

It was our last week at the lodge before Christmas because our ladies are so busy with preparations!  We painted Christmas cards again, this time churches on starry winter nights.


The three on the right are demonstration cards. We had two styles ready because these ladies are good 🙂


It’s always fascinating to see what individuals will create, even though we all begin with the same basic composition.


The lights must be on to welcome the people in!


An impressive line up in our temporary gallery. The artists took them right away this time so they could send them out for Christmas.

Felting on Silk

Warm yet delicate, a Nuno felted scarf is a lovely accessory for any outfit.  The process is delicate in many ways as well (see the previous post to see how the felt is laid out on the silk), but it also involves an electric sander!  Here’s Judy’s Pastel Swirls scarf in the making.  Sanding encourages the wool fibres to work through the silk.image

Morning Birds

The weather is unusually warm just now, but a clever bird knows winter chill is on the way. We’ve been enjoying watching birds of all sizes visit our yard to gather  bits of food and stash it in secret places. Chickadees, waxwings, blue jays, flickers, ravens and magpies visit daily.
