Second Christmas Gift from the Studio

This one is another summertime memory captured by Carolyn, this time a sleepy sunshine moment on the drive home from a great adventure. This pair of Cavalier King Charles Spaniels is tired, comfortable and content after a day of mountain exploration. What a good day. This was a gift for their owner, of course.

Sunny Girl

Here’s a sunny smile for your Friday, wherever you are 🙂


This is Carolyn’s portrait sketch.  She’s quite pleased with the freehand pattern on the dress.  Now the goal is to be able to paint faces with equal freedom!

A First Oil Painting

Carolyn decided to study portrait painting in a more changeable medium that watercolour… so out came Judy’s box of oils from her pre-watercolour era. Other than trying a landscape at a course last year, this is Carolyn’s first crack at oil painting, and supplies for an impatient artist are a bit limited these days. Unfortunately the problems with the sketch weren’t fully addressed. The nose might be smaller and the ear bigger, but the lower half of the face is too short. Still, it was a great exercise in seeing shapes and colours. It is unfinished (obviously, that nostril needs addressing) so stay tuned… maybe it will be a masterpiece eventually.

Watercolour, Please Forgive!


If you avoid watercolour because you’ve heard it’s unforgiving, check out Carolyn’s great big mistake!  This is a portrait of a local mayor, set to be entered in a contest.  Carolyn has been working on it in black and white to focus on contrasts, occasionally checking a colour picture for the eyes, the shirt, the crests… unfortunately, in the b&w photo, it seemed obvious that the silk collar that the silver (um) ornaments (?) are on is just a blacker black than the jacket.  So Carolyn layered that part, in all its detail, with about three glazes of deepest black.  Then she checked the colour photo.  Oh no!  It’s supposed to be blue!!!  Well, even the darkest watercolour paint is forgiving to a certain extent.  On the right you see a half scrubbed version; on the right it the restored, blue version.  Whew!  Almost an April Fool!