Lodge Ladies Get a Chance

Judy and Carolyn got to go back to the lodge for one round of painting in November. Everyone was very happy to be painting again, and the skills haven’t slipped in so many months without painting. Even though we had to demonstrate from a distance and communicate through masks, the ladies all got beautiful and unique paintings, some of which will be Christmas gifts, no doubt.

PVL Painters on Display


These were the first paintings to be posted in the new display for our Lodge Ladies.  Situated in the main hall near the entrance, this new installation is attracting a lot of attention.  Even traffic jams!  We have a few kinks to work out with the frames, but we hope to put hundreds of paintings on these shelves over the years.

Winter Still at the Lodge


When it’s nearly -40C with windchill, you might think painting palm trees would be appropriate!  However, the Lodge Ladies were warm enough looking out on the scene from beside the fireplace, painting a classic Peace Country winter scene.  There is always one in the crowd who paints to a different beat 🙂